Monday, March 21, 2011

Simple Gospel

Last week was 3/16/11. While driving, I was listening to K-Love radio and they were sharing about how it was declared "John 3:16 day" and were encouraging people to share the love of God with at least one person. It got me thinking about how often we (Christians) overlook that beautiful, yet simple verse. Many times we just assume everyone has heard it before. We're looking to share some new, revolutionary idea that will completely change the world as we know it. We've gotten away from the fact that this is the truth of the Gospel. "God so loved the world that He gave His only, begotten Son so that we shall not perish but have eternal life." That is it, my friends. Easy, simple, and beautiful beyond words. You matter to God. You are His heart's desire. How cool is it to be the very desire of God? It blows my mind...

Many of you might be wondering what is the update on the ministry in Africa. I'm so excited for the upcoming changes in ministry and cannot wait to be back in Zambia. Currently, I am raising up my ministry budget in order to return to Africa before summer. I'm in Chicago meeting with family, friends, and churches. If you're in the area, please let me know. I'd love to meet with you and share what God has placed on my heart for the rural villages in Zambia.

Twalumba! (Thank You in Chitonga)

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