Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope that you are all having a wonderful time and are given the opportunity to share the true meaning of Christmas with at least one person this year. The birth of Christ is truly a life changing miracle that was predestined from the beginning of time. God came down to earth and became flesh. Amazing! He knows what it is like to be one of us. He knows our temptations, trials, hardships, joy, love, hope, etc. He knows it because He's experienced it firsthand. How amazing is His love for us that He would do something so great as come to earth not only to live as us but also to die for us so that we might live?
My days here in Chicago are coming to an end until Feburary, when I'll return to work on support raising. That will be one of my main focuses while in the states for the next few months. I've enjoyed the time with my family, despite the continuing battle with jet lag. Also, please pray for my dog, Zeke. He ran off this morning and we still have yet to find him. He has a collar on with our phone number, but we're worried that someone may have decided to keep him or that no one stopped him to check the collar. Hopefully he will make his way home by tomorrow.
Have a great Christmas and New Years. I will update again soon. Oh and if you're wondering, my december newsletter will be combined with my janurary one since my laptop is out of comission. Good news is that my insurance in pulling through and will cover a replacement, which I just ordered. I've finally joined the cool club and bought a mac! ;-)

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