Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Are You Willing to Give?

I had a strange dream a few nights ago. I was back in Zambia but things there had changed. The country was now persecuting Christians and there was a warrant out for my arrest. I knew it but I was also supposed to be preaching in a village that day. I felt the turmoil and I tried to make my decision. The dream grew stranger as my mom showed up and had a way to smuggle me out of the country without getting caught so I wouldn't be killed. There it was. I was faced with a life or death situation. I could feel myself agonize over the decision. Did I want to die? No. Would I sacrifice God's calling? Thankfully not. I made the decision to go preach despite knowing that it would be the last time I would see friends and family. I woke up and all I could do was lay there and reflect on what had happened. If it wasn't a dream, would I have made the same decision? I pray that I would and if ever the time ever comes, then I pray that I will. It is my heart's desire to see the lost reach. I'm thankful for the dream because it gave me a look into my heart that I am indeed willing to sacrifice my own life for the love of God. Are you?

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