Monday, March 8, 2010

God's Timing Is Perfect

Today I got a glimpse at why God has set my depature date for Africa in April. As some one you might know, Zambia's rainy season is usually from the end of November through the beginning of April. Now every year seems to be different and this year is not exempt. It is now mid march and the heaviest part of the rainy season seems to just have started. It's late for the season and making it impossible for our staff that are on the ground to make it from the base to town (only 20 km away) much less to the villages. I was planning on being back in Zambia next week but if I was, I'd be on the base unable to plan out the ministry for the upcoming expeditions. God's will is always good and perfect! So instead I'm in sunny Florida, continuing to support raise and work on manual and procedure updates for the department. The photo here is of the road to our base so you can get an idea of how difficult travel is during rainy season.

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