Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Living on Support

I'm in Chicago at the moment working on finishing up support raising. That's right. I said finishing up. I'm 35% away and God is doing awesome things. In this lifelong journey called support raising, I've decided one time. I think that every believer needs to live off of support for at least 6 months of their lives. I'm not saying this to prove how "hard" living on support it because it's not hard. What it is is faith building. At first, it's scary. Not Freddy Kruger in your dreams scary but it's definately "stomach in knots", "life is out of control" scary. Once you get past the fear though, you then have people speaking unbelief in your life and you HAVE TO stand against it. Once you get past these, you then get to see God do amazing things in your life. The big thing is how much your faith grows. You suddenly start finding yourself believing for the "impossible" and seeing God do the "impossible". I've been told more then once that "it's a shame that your organization or church can't just cover all of your finances." I've disagreed then and completely disagree now. Raising up my support team has been once of the most amazing and life changing experiences of my life. I couldn't ask for a better team to come around me and above all I now know that God truly does provide for every need in our lives despite whatever outside circumstances we come up against. Just believe and trust in Him!

1 comment:

Timothy Wayne Good said...

You are inspiring. We look forward to hearing about the upcoming mission season.