Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't Be Wise, Be Fools!

I don't want to be wise. You may think that's a ridiculous statement but it's true. I don't want to be logical, smart, sensible, or rational. If I were these things, I'd be home in the States, not beleiving God to be fully funded during an "economic crisis," not living in a tent in Zambia driving 12 hours into the middle of nowhere to people I don't even know or are even the same culture. There's too much risk. If I was wise, I'd know that I could get hurt, sick, go bankrupt, or even worse. However, I'm not wise. I'm a fool. A big fool at that. I'm a fool for Christ and each day I want to become more and more of a fool. I am raising my full support in an "economic crisis" and I love my tent in the villages. I dream of the villages and search Google Earth to find the footpaths that will take my truck to them. Stick that in your logical pipe and smoke it! In 1 Corinthians 4:10-13 Paul talks about the foolish things the apostles do in view of the world. They don't make sense. Why, when you seemingly have nothing, would you give it away? Why, when someone is threatening to kill you for preaching, would you proclaim the Gospel from every corner of every nation? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!! Thus, it's foolishness. I want to be foolish with every breath, word, action, decision of my life. Foolish for Christ is a million times greater then wise in the world.

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