Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wants vs. Needs

There's a lot of places in the world I'd like to be right now, at this very moment. In Burbank, IL (just outside of Chicago) my little baby brother (not so little anymore and hasn't been a baby in a long time) is graduating high school. Steve and I are very close, although being gone for so long has put a bit of strain on the relationship, as one would expect. I only seen him maybe twice a year and every time I come home I feel I've missed out on a lot of stuff in his life. One year I cam home to find that he now towers over me and even had facial hair. When did the little kid that I used to put make-up on (telling him it was indian war paint) grow up? He's really one of the coolest kids I know. This year I missed out on a lot in his life, although I was home when he got his drivers license. I didn't get to see him off for prom and now I miss seeing him finish high school. Sad day!

I'd also love to be in Nyawa village right now. The pastors conference is going in full swing and I know that lives are being completely changed. I can't wait to hear the testimonies when Pastor Jeff gets back tomorrow. I was originally planning on being there but after being out in the villages for a whole week last week, I couldn't justify being away from the base for another 4 days. You see my short term teams arrive a week from monday. At the same time my team arrives, we have another team arriving to travel to Angola for ministry. There are 4 trucks that need to be prepared, supplies to be sorted and purchased, ministry to plan, and everything else in between. :::insert deep breath:::: Everything is going to get done but I need everyday to do it.

So am I where I want to be? Not exactly. Am I where I need to be? Exactly! God has us where we need to be, which isn't always where we want to be.

P.S. The testimonies from the week in the villages, as well as from the pastors conference will be in this month's newsletter. Subscribe on my website to receive it!

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