Sunday, May 24, 2009

Revelations of a 3 Year Old

After breakfast this morning, I was setting up the chairs for our church service when my little friend, Sunda, (a zambian girl that was adopted by a missionary couple that works with us) ran up to me and hugged my legs. "Laura, you're a princess!" I was a bit confused at first why she decided today I was a princess. Then she went on to tell me that I was wearing a princess dress (I was wearing a skirt and shirt for the sunday service) and had me spin around for her. "See, Laura. You're a beautiful princess." She ran off to where her parents were practicing for worship and I was left thinking over her words. Sunda is completely right. I am a princess. We are all princes and princesses of the Most High King. We are so beautiful in the eyes of our Father and should take joy in the love that He pours out on us. So go twirl in your dresses, sing and dance before the Lord. We are princes and princesses!!!

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