Friday, February 29, 2008

My nomadic life continues...

I've just returned from two weeks in the Windy City. It was a great time being home with family, friends, and working on support raising. Unfortunately there's never enough time to do everything and see everyone, but I did have a blast with those I did visit with.
Now that I am back home in florida, I have about a week and a half left until I leave for Africa... let the countdown begin! :) Once the weekend is over, my life will be a crazy time of shopping, packing, finishing office projects, planning for africa missions, spending time with friends, and much more. I'm tired just thinking about it!
While I was home, I spent some time with friends that I used to see every single day. Two of them I lived with for four years during college, they are two of my best friends and we've been through a lot together. We met for lunch while I was home and gave each other a recap on what our lives have been like. As I was driving home, it kinda hit me what I truly miss when I am away from home. I miss being an active part in the lives of my family and friends. Instead of hearing recaps of lives, I was a part of their life. It's weird now to not be involved as much. However, it's a sacrifice that comes along with my job. I would not give up my life for anything though. I absolutely love what I do and could not imagine doing anything else. It's okay to miss family and friends, but email and Skype calls help to keep in touch. :) God bless the inventor of Skype!!

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