Monday, February 4, 2008


Life! Something I have been thinking about a lot lately. It's something so precious that people fight for it, yearn for it, and even die so that others may have it. Many work hard to gain the life they dream of. It's also true that the life that many dream of is not the life that they yearn for. The yearning deep within that they try to fill, but only God can fill. Jesus says in John 10:10 that "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." In Christ there is life. True, pure life. Nothing can every compare to it. It is a precious, priceless jewel that pales to nothing. It is something that is beyond words.

The reason why I have been thinking about life of late is that my aunt passed away last Monday. I was close to her while I was growing up and will always wished I called more and made more time to spend with her. She didn't come to the Lord until the end. However, even if it was just a short time here on earth, she is experiencing true life. Our life in Christ is eternal. Eternal life doesn't start at death, friends, but the moment that we are reborn in Christ! How many do you know that don't yet know what a life in Christ is? What is holding you back from telling them? The worst thing that will happen is they say they're not interested. Share life with everyone you know and meet.

God Bless!

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