Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Quiet Week...

This week has gone by quickly and quietly. I've been sick all week so have spent time resting (or being forced to) as much as possible. It was kind of nice to have time to chill out, study, and just enjoy the beauty of the Batoka Gorge.
We're still waiting for the rice shipment to clear customs, so please keep praying over it. We should be hearing the final results early this next week. Lord, give us favor with the Zambia customs!
It's weird to think that if I had not changed my airline ticket, I would be sitting in sunny Florida right now, moving into a new home, and probably sipping a much needed vanilla latte with an extra shot. When it all comes down to it though, I'd rather be here in Africa then anywhere else!
My friend, Patrick, and I were having a discussion before he left for the UK. We came to the realization that I basically have no home. Chicago is no longer "home" because once you move out, it's always strange to come back. It's visiting the place where you grew up- an odd feeling. I haven't lived in Florida long enough to consider it home, and I currently am not 100% positive where I will even be living when I return. The base in Zambia is the closest place I have to a home, but it's also where I work. We came to conclusion that I'm like Jesus... no place to lay my head. I could also be considered Nomadic since I travel so much and carry all my belongings with me (well almost all). It's an interesting place to be in life and I am definitely enjoying it!
God Bless!

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