Saturday, September 8, 2007

A long awaited post...

Okay so I'm probably as good at "blogging" as I am at keeping my daily journal. My schedule is slowing down a bit (maybe) so I think I'll actually be able to keep up with this. :)

Right now I am in the middle of leading an expedition in the southern province of Zambia. We just returned to the base from a two day youth conference in the Zimba area. It was great to minister to the youth and I was really surprised at how much they understood and retained. We had a blast playing games with them, dancing, singing, and sharing about God's love.

Tomorrow we will head out to Chabalanda village to hold an all day meeting with the church members, leaders, and pastors of all the churches in the area. From there we'll travel across two dried riverbeds to Kanchele village and hold a two day pastors conference. I was in these villages with a team in July and am very excited about going back!

I've officially changed my plane ticket and will be staying in Africa until December 18th. This will be the longest I've ever been overseas (8 months total). I'm a bit homesick since the rest of our US staff is now stateside or in the UK but I know that the next few months will be a blast. It will also be very hot, which the weather change has already started. It's now a 95 degree average everyday with no clouds in site. I've been warned it just gets hotter from here... I never thought I'd be praying for the rainy season to come! ;-)

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