Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Quiet Week...

This week has gone by quickly and quietly. I've been sick all week so have spent time resting (or being forced to) as much as possible. It was kind of nice to have time to chill out, study, and just enjoy the beauty of the Batoka Gorge.
We're still waiting for the rice shipment to clear customs, so please keep praying over it. We should be hearing the final results early this next week. Lord, give us favor with the Zambia customs!
It's weird to think that if I had not changed my airline ticket, I would be sitting in sunny Florida right now, moving into a new home, and probably sipping a much needed vanilla latte with an extra shot. When it all comes down to it though, I'd rather be here in Africa then anywhere else!
My friend, Patrick, and I were having a discussion before he left for the UK. We came to the realization that I basically have no home. Chicago is no longer "home" because once you move out, it's always strange to come back. It's visiting the place where you grew up- an odd feeling. I haven't lived in Florida long enough to consider it home, and I currently am not 100% positive where I will even be living when I return. The base in Zambia is the closest place I have to a home, but it's also where I work. We came to conclusion that I'm like Jesus... no place to lay my head. I could also be considered Nomadic since I travel so much and carry all my belongings with me (well almost all). It's an interesting place to be in life and I am definitely enjoying it!
God Bless!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The African Heat Has Come!

It's hot... so very hot and only getting worse. It's about 98 degrees right now without a cloud in sight. It's times like these that I thank God for the thatched roof on our main center because it brings the temperature down quite a bit.
This past week has been interesting. We've been working hard on the base doing detail work (basically cleaning). On wednesday I went to Lusaka to meet with the Dutch Embassy in order to gain approval for the purchase of our new overland trucks. These trucks will be driven down from the UK to Zambia by our staff members, accompanied by some expedition team members. They will arrive at our base on December 15th- of which I will still be here to greet them.
Another funny note is that when the meeting at the embassy was over, and we were being walked out, I slipped on the stairs, nearly falling to the floor, and my laptop sliding down before me. Now that's an unforgettable ending to a meeting!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Back from the bush

I returned yesterday from 6 days in the rural areas of the southern province of Zambia. The ministry went great! We went back to two of the villages we ministered in during the July expedition. When I arrived in Kanchele, I was surprised to find out that many rumors regarding our previous visit had started. They were saying that we had been thrown in jail for being in the country illegally and were also satanists. It's amazing sometimes at the attempts that Satan makes to destroy the work that the Lord is doing in the lives of people. Fortunately, we were able to meet with the leaders of all the churches and dispel all of the rumors. The enemy constantly warps peoples view of Christianity, but we know that the power of the Word of God can break through any strongholds that Satan has tried to put up. Kanchele has changed so much in such a short times but the churches are growing stronger and the ancestral traditions are losing their hold on the hearts of the people. We've seen people healed, filled with the Spirit of God, and so thirsty for the Word that they ask question after question in order to gain understanding. Praise the Lord for His truth and the power that He has!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

A long awaited post...

Okay so I'm probably as good at "blogging" as I am at keeping my daily journal. My schedule is slowing down a bit (maybe) so I think I'll actually be able to keep up with this. :)

Right now I am in the middle of leading an expedition in the southern province of Zambia. We just returned to the base from a two day youth conference in the Zimba area. It was great to minister to the youth and I was really surprised at how much they understood and retained. We had a blast playing games with them, dancing, singing, and sharing about God's love.

Tomorrow we will head out to Chabalanda village to hold an all day meeting with the church members, leaders, and pastors of all the churches in the area. From there we'll travel across two dried riverbeds to Kanchele village and hold a two day pastors conference. I was in these villages with a team in July and am very excited about going back!

I've officially changed my plane ticket and will be staying in Africa until December 18th. This will be the longest I've ever been overseas (8 months total). I'm a bit homesick since the rest of our US staff is now stateside or in the UK but I know that the next few months will be a blast. It will also be very hot, which the weather change has already started. It's now a 95 degree average everyday with no clouds in site. I've been warned it just gets hotter from here... I never thought I'd be praying for the rainy season to come! ;-)