Monday, June 21, 2010

The Joy of the Lord

I have recently been in a funk. Not just a bad mood but one of those slimy, impatient, pessimistic moods that just suck you in. I was questioning the call of God upon my life, my role in the Overland team, and just everything about myself. During our morning worship the other day, I couldn't even get my thoughts together long enough to even worship God. It was then that I realized I was under attack. None of the thoughts and feelings I had been feeling were accurate but just an attack from the devil. My guard hadn't been raised up and since I was tired from the expedition, there was an opening for him to move in. I could almost feel like claws in my back as this thing latched on. So I started praying and I glanced up to see one of our staff members walking towards me. She put her arms around me and just started praying for a tidal wave of the Lord's presence and strength to fill me. Suddenly this burning joy erupted within me and all I could do was laugh. The heaviness and "dark cloud" was gone and God's love and joy just poured over me. It wasn't like water but like a thick oil that saturated every pore and surface from the inside out. In Nehemiah 8:10 it says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. With Him we can do all things and He is the source of our strength. Praise God!


All things are possible said...

Praise God, Its so easy to find ourselves in that place, been there many times, God Bless you Sis for all that you are doing, I miss it so much.


Daniel Maupin said...


You are doing such a great service for the Kingdom of God, and doing it with such a humble attitude. You are such an inspiration. Thanks so much.

In Christ,