Monday, April 20, 2009

My Morning Workout

I love Africa. I love when reality sets in and I rediscover this beautiful contintent. One thing I hate in Africa are babboons. When my teams come in, we have a rule concerning these creatures... don't go near them. This morning I was walking from the shower to my tent, when I stopped to chat with Bev, one of our new volunteers. Suddenly a troop of babboons come up from the gorge behind my tent and start walking to the main center. Without even a second thought, I dropped my shower supplies, grabbed a rock, and took off running after these things. They took off running and went back down the gorge. It wasn't until that point that I realized what exactly I had done. Do as I say, not as I do, right? Not! I just have to shake my head and thank God they didn't feel like attacking back. Where was our mighty babboon killer dog, Scooby? In the village visiting his dog girlfriends. The lemon! ;-)

In regards to the rural pastors conference we had over the weekend- it was a huge success! My newsletter will be going out in a few days with the testimonies and photos from the conference. Subscribe on the website if you don't receive them, or send me an email! Blessings!


Emily said...

LOL Scooby still exists!?! I thought that dog would have been long gone by now! Any dog that is dumb enough to fall into the fire and not get right back out defnitely has a questionable life span!

LauraOM said...

yeah Scooby is indeed alive. he should have died multiple times but seems to stick around. He's usually a pretty good watch dog but lately has gotten very lazy... and very distracted by female dogs in the area. oh well