Friday, September 3, 2010

AMT Begins

On Wednesday, the majority of our september advanced mission training (aka AMT) arrived. Usually I'm not too involved with the 3 month training program, but for this class I'll actually be co-leading. I did this back in 2008 and really enjoyed it. I love how I get to be ministering to the same team for 3 months compared to the 2 or 3 weeks I usually have with the expedition teams.

The team looks like they're going to be a great group. There's a great mix of ages, backgrounds, and experiences that every single person has something to offer and something to gain from their time here. I'm excited to see what the Lord is going to do not only in their lives but mine also during these next 3 months.

Tomorrow we're heading out to the villages for a week of ministry. It'll be challenging in every way possible, especially since hot season has begun and we're back in the 90's and getting hotter each day. Please keep us in your prayers and I look forward to sharing the testimonies when we get back on the 10th.


To read more about AMT, please go to

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