Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Vision at a Glance

My first expedition of the year ended a few days ago and I've been reflecting a lot on the amazing difference a short term team can make for long term ministry. My team spent a week in a rural village where we lived amongst the people, spent every day ministering and just developing relationships. Sometimes it was through village meetings, sitting at someones home, playing a game of soccer, or even just teaching new games and songs to the children. It can be easy to think that after you leave, there might not be any change. Sure some people who gave their lives to Christ can just easily go back to the way they were living before. However the work that was started was just a first step. Our teams are used as the front line of an advance for the Kingdom. We go and set up the initial relationships in the villages and preach the Gospel. After the team leaves, the sector manager then establishes discipleship and bible studies. Once strong believers are raised up in the area, our humanitarian projects then move in to address the physical needs of the people. If we had just gone to preach and then left, what good would it do? Yes, the people would hear the name of Jesus but there would be no further teaching for the new believers. Matt 28:19 says" go and make disciples of all nations..." We do not make converts but we raise up disciples that are empowered to go and preach the word in their own areas and continue the work. Praise God for such an awesome vision and responsibility He's entrusted to us!

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