Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Spice Islands of Africa

Off the coast of Tanzania are the Spice Islands of Africa, associated with the Spice Islands in Indonesia. They are made up of 3 islands, Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia. They were once ruled by Arab sultans who ran the spice trade in this area. Spice trade is still a main source of income for the local people, as well as tourism. The islands are predominately Muslim, and only about 1% being Christian.

I share this with you all as I prepare to travel to Zanzibar on Monday. I was there for 3 weeks in 2006 and have been invited back to stay with the pastor and his family that Overland Missions works with. I will be traveling with Kelly, one of the AMT graduates, and our plan is currently in God's hands. We have an invitation to preach at one of the churches on the island, but other then that we'll see what God has in store.

I'll try and update while in Zanzibar and keep you all posted on what God is doing. Please pray for us as we embark on 54+ hours of travel (one way).

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