Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What Does Laura Do When In America?

As you can tell, it's been awhile since I've updated. Some of you might have been wondering "What exactly is Laura up to these days?" That's a great question, and the answer is: Tons! Before I left Zambia in November, I couldn't believe how long 3 1/2 months in America sounded. Little did I know how fast it would go by. I have 5 weeks until I depart for Portsmouth, England, with arriving in Zambia 9 days later. The time is flying by and there is still so much to do. For instance, I have been in the Chicago are for the last 2 weeks working on support raising for my 2009 budget. On Feb 10th, I'll head to Philadelphia to speak at Valley Forge Christian College about missions in two of their classes. From there it's back to florida until March 11th.

I have to say, even though seeing friends and family has been great, I am looking forward to being back in Zambia. I've received reports from our staff members in Zambia that the rains have been favorable and that the corn harvests will be great this year. This is well needed after hardly any harvests last year. I know 2009 is going to be packed full of hard and fruitful work. I am looking forward to the new expedition leaders being trained, the ministry teams coming to serve God, and the new projects being launched within Overland Missions. Please keep the ministry in your prayers as the staff and I prepare for the ministry projects not only in Africa, but around the world.

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