Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello, Cobra!

Well I know it's been awhile. Yes, I am alive! Many things have been happening of which I will recap in various blogs throughout the week. However, today's blog is more of a message.

So yesterday we returned from 5 days in the bush doing ministry. Being overly exhausted, I settled in my tent to watch Matrix 3. As the hours passed, my weary body could not fall asleep. Deciding to take a midnight shower, I walked to our bathroom block (without my glasses on or contacts in) and found myself in the presence of a Mozambique Spiting Cobra. However, I didn't know until it was too late. No worries, he only decided to spit on my arm and then I ran away before anything else could happen. I woke up one of the guys and we searched but to no avail. The bugger is still lurking in the bush.

I lay in bed, wide awake and began thinking about this snake. The first question that came to mind was "why me?" I hate snakes. Not so much the snake but the snake bite. Didn't think about snake bites much until I was trained in medical courses... thank you, education! However I began to think, in my overtired state, about how this experience relates to life in general. Let's take a look.

How many times do we find ourselves walking along in life, thinking everything is going great when a snake suddenly rears it's ugly head? If you're not careful, you can be completely caught off guard. If you're not prepared, you won't even see the snake before it's too late. This "snake" can come in many forms in our lives, and like all snakes, it will try to through us off our paths. We need to be conscious of the snakes in our lives and come in authority over them. How? By meditating and focusing on the Word of God. The light of the Lord reveals all snakes in our lives and once they are revealed, they can be eliminated. What snakes are in your life? It's time to take authority over them and slice off their head with a machete.... well, that's how we do it in Africa! :)

(Note: The photo of the cobra is not the one that spit on me)

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