Monday, September 1, 2008

AMT has begun!

The students have arrived and orientation is underway. It's always awesome when new people arrive on the base. You can see the potential in them because of their hearts. There's the usual insecurity and nervousness about being so far from home, but you know that as soon as they get past it they will leave here a completely different person. I love seeing the change in people from when they first arrive to when they leave. Not only seeing the change, but being a part of them. My prayer for these next 3 months is that the Lord will impart to me His words and knowledge that I may share them with these young people who are stepping out in faith to serve God. Please pray for these students and I will continue to update you all.

Note: AMT is our Advanced Missions Training course held for 3 months here on the base in Zambia. I will be one of the instructors for this course in September until the end of November.

1 comment:

Leeanne said...

Hi! I want to talk, too...I have no internet at my house, and I can't talk at work because there's construction outside my window (I can even hear on my land line). I'm working on getting internet at my house still (they won't run the lines). We could try video chat some evening here...or what time is good for you?
Also, I love AMT! What a cool idea, and it would be so incredibly fun to lead something like that. :) I'm excited for you.
Love you.